Dreading tomorrow

November 19, 2008

I snuck a peek at the scale at the gym today. It comfirmed my fear that I have gained weight. WHAT. THE. HECK. But, on the positive side, my waist is 1.5 inches smaller so that’s an improvement and my thighs no longer rub when i’m standing there. So this is good. Maybe I will loose the weight loss challenge part of this, but i can tell my body is becoming more toned and fit.

Today I ate:

Breakfast- plain yogurt with raw oats and brown sugar

Lunch-a piece of this vegan glueton that was awful with vegan gravy.

Dinner- Spinach salad with lime juice, salt and red pepper bits and a string cheese

Guilty indulgence- small fries and sundae from mcdonalds (don’t judge me. you eat it too!)

Exercise today was awesome. Let me tell you. I went to spinning for an hour and I didn’t think it had really been that great but it was a good workout. Then immedietly following that we did an hour of body conditioning killing. it was SO intense. right now, i am so sore but in a good “i got my butt kicked today” kinda way.

It was after that when we were feeling real good about our intense workout that we decided we needed a reward. so we went to mcdonalds. we didnt’ have much but it was probably the most fat i’ve had in the last few days thats for sure! but it was tasty fat so thats okay.

tomorrow is the weigh in. i’m ready for my punisment already. lay it to hard.


common 325

November 18, 2008

thats my new goal weight since i seem to be retaining every ounce of food i eat. seriously. its awful.


So there you have it. this is my new goal picture. only i shall wear cuter slippers.

so much for that thought.

November 17, 2008

i was thinking “today after work i should go running”. then i walked out of the ER an discovered it was snowing. and then the fiance invited me to hang out with him and his friends. the hanging out eating subway part won. dangit.

breakfast- dind’t have one

lunch-stuffed tomato and fruit

supper-8inches of a veggie subway sandwich

snacks- pretzels with ranch dip.

BAD day for me. i need to get with this. according to the scale at work i’m 133…UGH it’s probably true too.


Why yes, I would LOVE to stuff my face.

November 16, 2008

If I gain weight, I’m blaming it on my mother. Seriously, she is the best cook I know. Today, she experimented with this new recipie. It’s a vegan spicy peanut butter noodle asian dish thing. It was SO good. I stuffed myself. Goodt thing it was vegan. Too bad being vegan doesnt make it fat free! haha Anyway heres how my day shaped up:

Breakfast: Green smoothie

Lunch: Pasta dish mentioned above, salad, water, nasty pumpkin brownie

Dinner: Popcorn, two plain tortillas

I did zero exercise AGAIN. UGH. I suck. shut up.

and I drank maybe 2 glasses of water today. and right now, i’m DYING of thirst. so i’m going to get a drink.

good luck to the rest of you! it’s a new week! lets do it! weigh in is just 3 days away!! AUGH.


Fat Friday

November 15, 2008

Yesterday summed up in one word would be “Fat”

Breakfast- green smoothie, jicama, toast with peanut butter and honey

Lunch- a breakfast bagel sandwich and some potato slices with chocolate silk milk

Dinner- Mushroom pizza, creamy pasta and breadsticks from Pizza hut.

Snacks- Honey Wheat pretzels, orange pineapple juice, jordan almonds

Exercise consisted of me walking a couple patients to OB from ER. Woo-freakin-doo. Awful.

I felt so fat after dinner that I really wanted to puke. It had been so busy we hadn’t been able to eat between lunch and dinner so when I got around to getting food I STUFFED my face.

Today shall be better..

Thirsty Thursday

November 14, 2008

I drank more yesterday then ever. I didn’t keep track because i refilled my water bottle a million times. serioulsy. i drank so much. i felt good tho!

breakfast was fruit, a green smoothie and a bagel.

lunch was a grilled portabello mushroom sandwich from cafe 31

supper was spinach salad and chinese dumplings

second supper was popcorn and lentils with ketchup.

I did an hour of spinning and it was a really good workout. I can tell that my cardio is getting better because Im not AS out of breath anymore. and I can go a lot longer before I start to feel short winded.

Its a good feeling to know I’m getting more in shape. Now If only I can fit some excersise in today!


Weigh in Wed (on thursday)

November 13, 2008

So I wasn’t able to weigh in yesterday. ie I was scared to weigh in. But, I decided that I would weigh in first thing this morning as to not be counting a bazillion pounds from all day wed. So,  I  weighed in first thing this morning. Now, I must say, our scale, the little red thing no longer points at 0…it points at 2.5…so here is what I weigh taking that into account….


I should probably clean the scale…or maybe just get a new one that is not broken. I’m sitting right atbout where I was last week…but I’m not sure that the red thing pointed at 2.5 last time…So, I’ll go w/that I lost nothing and I’m going to be even more motivated to work out this week.

Also, I thought of something, doesnt muscle weigh more than fat?!

Anyway, yesterday, I ate good.

Breakfast was pancakes and grits with Fruit and pineapple orange juice

Lunch was a Panera sandwich (the mediteranian veggie. And seeing as how it tastes SO good it can’t be super healthy even tho it’s the veggie one.

Dinner was a small bowl of spinach soup.

There was zero snacking done by me yesterday! 🙂

I did not excersise at all, except for doing chest compressions on someone for about 30 minutes…that I say, counts BIG TIME.


November 12, 2008

i dont think i will be able to go to work tomorrow. and if i do…i will be shuffling everywhere. body conditioning is the most intense class ever. i shall go again tho. i’m determined to do it. i want to look like the teacher! those of you that go, know what i’m talking about. she’s in shape. not the gross manly in shape, but the beautiful super model in shape minus the air brushing!  she’s serious about her workouts.

food went good today. breakfast was an apple, and some bread thing at work this morning that was really good. then lunch was cooked spinach, potatos, and a raw spinach pepper and salt salad with lemon juice for dressing. supper was a bread stick, some fresh fruit plate that came up for a patient after they had already left and a soy chai latte.  PLUS today I drank 5 SIGG bottles of water. YES I’m proud. plus I had a can of gateorade too! woo hoo!!

we won’t talk about the fact that I just ate a cheese-stick and most likely will go get another one.

tomorrow I dont think i’ll get to excersise at all….and its wed so i’m scared. the weigh in will not be published until late because i have to work at 7am. i’ll take a picture though dont worry. but i weighed myself at the gym tonight….according to that scale, i’ve gained 4 pounds. this is not looking good folks.

can we skip it this week?

November 11, 2008

I’m not ready for wed. not at all. not even a little.


kickboxing was cancelled tonight and I just about turned around and walked back out but since my friend was with me i couldn’t really puss out in front of her. so, i did some arm stuff, then i did some ab stuff, then i walked on the treadmill since i can’t stand running on treadmills, then did some more ab stuff and some more arm stuff. then we were done. that was my excersise. sad.

foodwise i did okay, breakfast was a large apple and a banana. then i had some grits later. i was so hungry at clinicals. lunch was a grilled cheese sandwich, salt and pickle chips, and a salad. the salad was the best part. i was just so hungry i stuffed my face. dinner was pintos and cheese and coleslaw and another apple.

i drank 2 liters of water plus a couple glass fulls! so yay for that!

but i’m still really dreading wed.

not a good weekend

November 10, 2008

This was NOT a good weekend.

First of all, I planned to get on the stationary bike and ride ride ride. Well, instead I did not. I planned on doing a killer ab workout I saw in my new magazine. Instead, I just read about it.  I planned on going to spinning today. Instead, I slept and watched football. (Watching football should count for some type of excersise.)

Saturday I had my grandma’s delish potato soup and two biscuits when I finally dragged myself out of bed at noon. Then, I had popcorn at the basketball game then the fiance and I went to carabbas to officially celebrate our 1 year anniversary where I had about 5 pieces of their bread, a bowl of sundried tomato soup (so good, I highly recommend it), and a big serving of their tallagrini picchi passu or something to that effect.

Today, I had no breakfast because i woke up late for church with Jordens family, then I had the left over pasta that I didn’t finish last night. Then I had some delish coleslaw and a strawberry popscicle. We went and saw a movie tonight where I had a pretzel with dipping cheese, popcorn and a slushi.

I am not going to lose weight this week. I just know it.

Oh and lets not talk about how I drank just about 0 water today. I’m horrible with it. I need to clip my water bottle to my hip or something…or wear a camel pak. Something. This has got to change!